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Whether you want to create a static site or develop a desktop application, we can help you create a specific solution that will meet your unique needs.

Static Websites

You need a blazing fast site ? We can build you a static website that will load in no times. 

Custom Development

You need to automate some tasks or to create a specific desktop application for your unique needs ? We can create it for you.

Hours / Days of development

You need to temporarily reinforce your team? We can help you in the following areas: Javascript, Golang, Electron, React-native, Linux.

Other needs

Feel free to contact us about your unique needs. We will be pleased to investigate the best way to help you reach your goal.

⇩ Coming Soon ⇩


Support a culture of engagement within your team.

Engage your temates, with Don't assign tasks, let people engage themselves on what and when they can deliver value to the rest of the team. will assist your team to track individual engagements but also to hold useful meetings where people know what will be done and when. Even better by allowing to prepare your next meeting notes, you will probably shorten the next meeting if you still have to hold one.

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